September 2, 2009 (Serengeti Day 2)
In the late afternoon we see yet another leopard, this one with a young Thompson Gazelle in the crook of the tree. We see a number of other lions, giraffes, and countless zebra and gazelles. And as we coming around the last corner on our way home, Mike spots a Serval Cat. These are a medium sized African wild cat with marking similar to a cheetah. They’re very secretive and harder to spot even than the elusive leopard. He stalks off quickly into the grass but it was a privilege to even see one.
We return to camp where we finally see our camp’s namesake. We are staying at the Mbuzi Mawe Tented Camp. An mbuzi mawe is a small mountain goat. They look fairly similar to a dikdik and I’ve been wanting to see one. As we round the corner by our tent there are two just hanging out on a rock, almost as if they’ve been posed. They are beautiful.
As we’re getting ready for dinner, I realize I’m running out of clean clothes. So I decide to turn my shuka into a dress. It worked out fairly well, and as we head in for dinner, the staff gave me a lot of compliments. There was an African dance performance that night, and of course I was dragged up to dance with them because of how I was dressed. I did my mzungu best and we headed off to dinner and yet another evening where the four of us were the last to leave the restaurant.
Tomorrow is our last full day on the Serengeti.
Photos: Male Impala. Giraffe. Mbuzi Mawe. Me dancing in my shuka dress.
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